RHOI-supported work at Lothagam, Kenya as a curatorial project.
following list is derived from Leakey and Harris, eds. (2003).
Leporidae sp. Alilepus sp. Serengetilagues praecapensis
Hystricidae Hystrix sp. (small) Hystrix sp. (large)
Scuiridae Kubwaxerus pattersoni
Muridae Abudhabia sp. Karnimata jacobsis sp. Saidomys sp.
Thryonomidae Paraphiomys chororensis Paraulacodus cf. P. jahanesi Thryonomys cf. T. gregorianus Thryonomys sp. (small)
Subfamily incertae sedis
Gen. and sp. unknown
Hominoidea indet. Australopithecus cf. A. afarensis
Cercopithecidae Parapapio lothagamensis
cf. Parapapio sp. indet. Theropithecus cf. T.
brumpti Cercopithecoides kerioensis
Colobinae sp. A
Colobinae sp. B
Colobinae sp. C
Colobinae gen. and sp.
Large species
Small species
Amphicyonidae sp.
Large species
Small species
Mustelidae Ekorus ekakoran Erokomellivora lothagamensis
Melivorinae Vishnuonyx angololeniss
Viverridae Viverra cf. V. leakeyi
Viverriane gen and sp. indet
cf. Genetta sp. A
cf. Genetta sp. B
Large species
Hyaenidae Ictitherium ebu Hyaenictitherium cf. H.
cf. Hyaenictus sp. Ikeloyaena cf. I. abronia
Felidae Lokotunjailurus emageritus Dinofelis sp. A Dinofelis sp. B
cf. Metailurus sp. Leptailurus/Caracal sp.
cf. Canis sp.
Gomphotheriidae Anancus kenyensis
Gomphotheriidae gen. and sp. indet.
Elephantidae Stegotetrabelodon orbus Primelephas gomphotheroides Primelephas or S. orbus Elephas nawatensis Elephas cf. E. ekorensis Loxodonta sp. indet.
Elephantidae gen. and sp. indet
Elephantidae gen. and sp. incertae sedis A
Elephantidae gen. and sp. incertae sedis B
Deinotheriidae Deinotherium bozasi
Tubulidentata Leptorycteropus guilielmi Orycteropus sp. indet.
Rhinocerotidae Brachypotherium lewisi Ceratotherium praecox Diceros bicornis
Equidae Hippotherium cf. H. primigenium Eurygnathohippus turkanense Eurygnathohippus feibeli Eurygnathohippus sp.
large species
small species
cf. Kubanochoerus sp. Nyanzachoerus syrticus Nyanzachoerus cf. Ny.
syrticus Nyanzachoerus cf. Ny.
australis Nyanzachoerus pattersoni Nyanzachoerus devauxi Nyanzachoerus jaegeri Notochoerus euilus
cf. Potamochoerus sp. Cainochoerus cf. C. africanus
Hippopotamidae Hexaprotodon lothagamensis Hexaprotodon harvardi Hexaprotodon sp. indet. Hexaprotodon cf. Hex.
cf. Sivatherium sp. Palaeotragus germaini Palaeotragus sp. Giraffa stillei
Bovidae Tragelaphus kyaloae Tragelaphus nakuae Tragelaphus cf. T. scriptus
Traelaphini gen. and sp. indet. Simatherium aff. S. kohllarsoni
Bovini gen. and sp. indet. Tragoportax cf. T. crenaicus Tragoportax sp. A Tragoportax sp. B
Boselaphini gen. and sp. indet. Kobus presigmoidalis Kobus laticornis Menelikia leakeyi
Reduncini gen. and sp. indet. Praedamalis sp Hippotragus sp.
Hippotragini gen. and sp. indet Damalacra sp. A Damalacra sp. B
Alcelaphini gen. and sp. indet. Aepyceros premelampus Gazella sp. indet. Raphiceros sp. Madoqua sp.